Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 9th Edition
Prepare for psychiatric nursing care with this comprehensive, evidence-based text! Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach, 9th Edition makes it easy to understand the complexities of psychiatric disorders and how to provide quality mental and behavioral health care. Clinical chapters follow the nursing process framework and progress from theory to application, preparing you for practice with real-world examples. Other notable features include illustrated explanations of the neurobiology of disorders, DSM-5 criteria for major disorders, and nursing care plans. From clinical nurse specialist and lead author Dr. Margaret Jordan Halter, this bestselling text includes new Next Generation NCLEX® content to prepare you for success on your PMHN certification exam.
Case Study and Nursing Care Plan boxes include real-life vignettes of patients with specific psychiatric disorders.
Evidence-Based Practice boxes describe recent research studies and how their findings affect nursing practice.
Six-step nursing process is followed in clinical chapters, providing consistent guidelines for comprehensive assessment and intervention.
Learning features include key terms and concepts, key points to remember, critical thinking, and chapter reviews.
Conversational, mentor-like writing style reinforces important information and helps in applying textbook content to the clinical setting.
Coverage of therapeutic communication techniques and nontherapeutic communication provides tips to help you build patient interaction skills.